fredag 11. desember 2009

Interviev av Elisabeth

Interview: Elisabeth 8a2

I’m looking for some people to interview, maybe there’s someone on the new football stadium Soccer City.
Since South-Africa shall have football WC so there’s probably many people there. Oh there is a man, maybe I can interview him.
“Hi, I’m Elisabeth. Can I interview you?”

“Sure, why not.”

“Why are you here at Soccer City?”

“I’m working on building it.”

“I see. Are you interested in football?”

“Not really actually, it’s boring watch some people kick a ball around.”

“When you were little didn’t you dream of being a football player and win prices and money and championships?”

“Off course I did but that little boy grew up and found out that it’s more in life than football.”

”Do you have any children?”

”I have a son, but he isn’t that interested in football.
He’s more into climbing”

“Really thats exsiting too, but back to you. Which football teams do you like the most?”

“That would have to be South-Africa”

“Ok, are you going to watch any games?”

“I don’t know, maybe if I get tickets.”

"Thank you for you´r time, bye!"

"Good bye"

av: Elisabeth 8a2

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