søndag 13. desember 2009

Mathilde, interview

We’re almost in Johannesburg, and the bus is quite dirty, but who cares when you are so excited to go on a Safari! I’m planning to interview the guide. When you are in the middle of nowhere, in the woods, you are in the most exciting place to interview someone.

The guide is waiting for us. He looks really cool while he is standing there, handsome, by his Range Rover. He is wearing shorts to his knee, and his black skin is glowing in the sun.

“Hi there!” I shouted to the guide.

“Well, hi!” He answered.

“Could I ask you a couple of questions?” I asked with an embarrassing smile.

“Sure! I love to talk about South Africa.”

“Thank you! Okay, first question: How to you like the weather here?”

“It is very warm and sunny in the summer between January and March, but in the nights it is pretty cold.”

“Wow. At home in Norway it’s is at the most worm times in June, July!”

“Ha-ha, that’s when it’s coldest and most rainiest here in South Africa!”

“Okay. On to next question. We are going to a Safari her in Kruger Park. What should we look forward to the most?”

“I think everyone’s going to love the giraffes! They are so beautiful here in South Africa.”

“Oh. We’re looking forward to it! I’ve heard all of this is amazing. But could it be any trouble when it is many different religions here?”

“Actually, that’s not a problem. Over 80 % of the people in South Africa are Christian. The rest is mostly Catholics, so no one is judging any one here.”

“Well, that’s great! Isn’t it a problem with the ones who’s black and the ones who’s white either?”

“No, or it could be maybe a little discussion about it, but not often. Almost 75 % of the people is black so it’s not many to fight with.”

“South Africa seems like a loving country!”

“Hm. Yes, but were not pleased with our president all the time.”

“Why not?”

“Well, not everyone trusts him. Because he has been charged with rape in 2005 and was in jail in 15 years before that, but I think we can give him a new chance, but not everyone agrees with me.”

“I hope your right! I all people deserves a second chance. But now I think we shall start this trip! Thank you for answering my questions.”

“It’s been my pleasure.” He smiled with his white shiny teeth and I was really exited for this safari here in Johannesburg.

- Mathilde

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